
Engine / Technical Jobs
15 May 2023

• 5 yrs work experience in a similar role or position

• He is responsible for the varnishing of various items in the crew and guest areas including but not exclusive to railings, wall panels, wood floors and furniture or as instructed by the Hotel Accommodations Maintenance Manager and/or Staff Captain

• The Varnisher shall always act promptly when there is a problem or a guest complaint that requires his action during the day.

• He/she has to be able to work alternative shift schedules. In some instances, it may also be necessary to take action on off-duty hours, should he be required to do so.

• As necessary, the individual shall be available to perform basic tasks as instructed and directed by their supervisors on the vessel.

Work Experience Requirements

All applicants must have previous experience in working on a Cruise Ship.

Language Requirements

Good knowledge of the English language is required.

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CV Writing Service

Have your CV written by a professional CV Writer who specialises in writing CVs for candidates looking for cruise ship jobs.

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