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7 jobs found  |  Page 2 of 2

  1. Royal Caribbean Group

    Junior Payroll Purser

    The Financial team leads the ship in all areas of fiscal responsibility and handles all shipboard accounting procedures related to...

    29 June 2024 - Royal Caribbean Group - English

  2. The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

    Financial Officer (Shipboard)

    The Financial Officer manages all aspects of onboard accounting and finance for guest and employees. Overseeing the payroll for the Ladies and Gentlemen as well as executing the internal audit and control of onboard activities related to sales, inventory management and budgets. This position manages

    28 June 2024 - The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection - English

CV Writing Service

Have your CV written by a professional CV Writer who specialises in writing CVs for candidates looking for cruise ship jobs.

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